This SiteMy work is based on more than 30 years of daily journalism experience and 40 years of personal research. While aviation and naval subjects are my forte, I am no less adept with other military subjects. I also have more than a passing interest in automotive subjects, as demonstrated by my legacy web site. In addition to two degrees in communications from Syracuse University, I have two years of engineering studies at Georgia Tech. |
It's the ImagesAmong the greatest failings in publications are repetitious and inappropriate imagery, poor color correction, and sub-par presentation and usage. In today’s market the print media cannot afford any shortcomings, especially in the vital imagery arena. Currently, as an editor of two prestigious naval magazines, one devoted strictly to history, my work beyond word editing has enhanced visual presentations in both. I have an encyclopedic memory of still images. I also know how to research imagery and have corrected the identification of a number of images at the Library of Congress, National Archives, Naval Historical Center, and U.S. Naval Institute. |
ColorI am intimately familiar with the four-color reproduction process. In the newspaper environment, I was a member of the color quality assurance committee for more than a decade. In the realm of image restoration and color accuracy, I have more than 15 years of daily experience with Photoshop. With more than 25 years of daily photo editing, I know how best to use images to match the needs of the writer and publication. |
ExperienceMy work experience ranges from raw research in national archives, to study of photo restoration and archiving at the Eastman House, to cataloging of the Margaret Bourke-White collection as a graduate student, to daily work as a photojournalist, photo editor, and manager. I have written a weekly newspaper column for nine years, totaling more than 450 articles, and edited two major magazines for more than four years. Author Norman Polmar selected more than two dozen of my images for his books. While I would prefer to use my talents and expertise as an illustrations consultant or editor for book-length projects, I think that the attached images demonstrate my nuts-and-bolts skills well. No project is too small and it goes without saying that I know deadlines. |
ResumeI will be happy to provide a detailed resume upon request. |